
Die Nationalitäten auf Curaçao

Mehr als 50 verschiedene Nationalitäten sind auf Curaçao vertreten, jede mit ihren eigenen einzigartigen Bräuchen und Traditionen. Obwohl Papiamentu, Niederländisch und Englisch als Amtssprachen anerkannt sind, können Sie auch Spanisch oder eine der vielen anderen lokalen Sprachen hören. Im Laufe der Zeit sind Menschen aus aller Welt nach Curaçao gekommen und haben ein lebhaftes und buntes kulturelles Durcheinander geschaffen.

Im Jahr 2023 werden rund 154.000 Menschen dieser Nationalitäten auf Curaçao leben. Sie haben also sehr unterschiedliche Hintergründe. Der Großteil der Bevölkerung ist gemischt afrokreolischer und europäischer Abstammung. Einige Inselbewohner sind auch Ausländer aus Ländern wie China, der Levante, Portugal, Surinam, der Dominikanischen Republik, Haiti und Kolumbien sowie von den britischen Westindischen Inseln. Die meisten Einwohner von Curaçao sprechen Papiamentu als erste Sprache.

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    Ein bisschen Geschichte von Curaçao

    Curaçao wurde von Arawak-Indianern vom südamerikanischen Festland bewohnt. Sie wurde erstmals 1499 von Europäern besucht. Sie wurde von den Spaniern und später von den Niederländern bewohnt, die sie zu einem wichtigen Handelszentrum für die Niederländische Westindien-Kompanie machten. Die Spanier deportierten 1515 fast die gesamte indigene Bevölkerung als Sklaven nach Hispaniola.

    Die Niederländer waren auf der Insel deutlich im Vorteil, da sie einen der malerischsten Naturhäfen der Westindischen Inseln besaßen. Die Hauptstadt Willemstad liegt am Schottegat, einer riesigen, tiefen und nahezu geschlossenen Bucht an der Südküste der Insel. Der Zugang erfolgt über einen Kanal, der als St. John’s bekannt ist. Anna Bay und verläuft durch eine Reihe von Riffen.

    Die Niederländer ließen sich ursprünglich in der Karibik nieder, um Salz für ihren Heringshandel zu gewinnen. Die Jahre zwischen 1660 und 1700 waren blühende Jahre für die Niederländische Westindien-Kompanie; in dieser Zeit wurde der Sklavenhandel ausgeweitet und der Hafen von Curaçao wurde für ausländische Schiffe zugänglich. Sowohl für die Einfuhr von Lebensmitteln als auch für den Versand von Waren, die auf südamerikanischen Plantagen angebaut werden.

    Curaçao war eines der sechs von den Niederländischen Antillen abhängigen Territorien, die 1845 unter einer Regierung vereinigt wurden. Im Jahr 1954 wurden die Kolonien zu den Niederländischen Antillen umstrukturiert und erhielten innenpolitische Unabhängigkeit.

    Ehemalige Niederländische Antillen

    Seit der Auflösung der Niederländischen Antillen am 10. Oktober 2010 fungiert Curaçao als souveräner Staat innerhalb der Niederlande. Die Niederlande (zusammen mit den Sondergemeinden Saba, Sint Eustatius und Bonaire), Aruba, Sint Maarten und Curaçao bilden die vier modernen Mitgliedsstaaten des Königreichs. Heute nennen wir es die ehemaligen Niederländischen Antillen.

    netherlands antilles

    Multikulturelle Gesellschaft in Curaçao

    Die multikulturelle Gesellschaft, die sich aus den verschiedenen Nationalitäten auf Curaçao ergibt, ist verantwortlich für eine Vielzahl von Stilen in der faszinierenden Musik, Küche und Kunst. Das macht Curaçao so bunt und fröhlich. Im Folgenden wird nur ein kurzer Überblick über die verschiedenen multikulturellen Komponenten der Insel gegeben. Es gibt noch viel mehr zu erzählen.

    Musik & Tanz

    Curaçao ist voll von Tanz und Musik. Typische Walzer, Tänze, Mazurken und ein Stil, der nach den begleitenden Conga-Trommeln Tumba genannt wird, sind in der Musik von Curaçao zu hören. Die Tumba ist die bekannteste Musikrichtung der Insel. Der Name „Tumba“ bezeichnet eine besondere Art von Rhythmus mit afrikanischen Einflüssen. In den lokalen Bars werden häufig Salsa, Samba und Merengue getanzt.

    Dieses Anwesen, das sich über ein Gebiet von acht Häuserblocks erstreckt, bietet ein einzigartiges Luxuserlebnis in einem botanischen und friedlichen Rückzugsort, der absolute Privatsphäre und Intimität bietet.
    Ideal für Geschäftsleute, Paare oder Liebende pausenbedürftig


    Curaçao beherbergt nicht nur farbenfrohe Häuser im karibischen Stil, sondern auch eine sehr lebendige Kunstkultur, die die verschiedenen Nationalitäten nach Curaçao gebracht haben. Ein Regenbogen von Farbtönen in allen Formen und Größen erwartet Sie. Im Stadtteil Punda können Sie zum Beispiel an mehreren Stellen Kunstgalerien entdecken. Geben Sie sich der karibischen Leidenschaft hin, die die Straßen füllt und Sie mitreißt. Entdecken Sie unter anderem das echte Curaçao und die pulsierende Street-Art-Szene hier. Die Straßen von Punda, Otrobanda, Pietermaai und Scharloo sind mit öffentlichen Wandmalereien von lokalen und internationalen Künstlern geschmückt, die diese Viertel in wahre Freilichtmuseen verwandeln. Auch in anderen Teilen der Insel finden Sie schöne Werke und Galerien.


    Curaçao kochen

    Menschen aus Spanien, den Niederlanden, Afrika, Indonesien, Indien, Venezuela und Portugal sind einige der Nationalitäten, die auf Curaçao leben. Jede Gruppe brachte einzigartige kulinarische Traditionen, Fertigkeiten und Gewürze mit. So ist eine lebendige Küche entstanden.

    Snack Curaçao pastechis (Pasteten), arepa di pampuna (Kürbispfannkuchen) oder keshi yena (Käsebällchen). Essen Sie mittags Karni Stoba (Eintopf), Huhn mit Batata (Kartoffeln) oder Moro (gemischter Reis) oder probieren Sie Leguan-Eintopf, eine lokale Spezialität. Um Ihren Durst zu löschen, empfehlen wir einen awa di lamunchi oder einen batido (Fruchtshake). Vergessen Sie nicht, mit einem Cocktail mit Blue-Curaçao-Likör anzustoßen.


    Wenn es um Feste geht, ist der Karneval auf Curaçao die Krönung. Das Fest beginnt zwei Monate vor der Fastenzeit und dauert bis zur letzten Woche. Es gibt keinen festen Termin für das Karnevalsfest. Den ganzen Februar über feiern Menschen fast aller Nationalitäten auf Curaçao den Karneval mit verschiedenen Umzügen. Auf die Große Abschiedsparade folgt die Pferdeparade, dann die Kinderparade, die Jugendparade und schließlich der Große Marsch. Mit anderen Worten: eine große Party!

    Darüber hinaus werden zwischen den Paraden mehrere Jump Ups und Jump Ins stattfinden. Jump Up ist eigentlich eine nächtliche Parade, an der jeder gegen eine geringe Gebühr teilnehmen kann und bei der keine aufwendigen Kostüme getragen werden. Stattdessen erhalten die Teilnehmer ein Hemd, das sie auf ihre eigene Weise verzieren können. Jump Ins hingegen finden an einem Partyort statt. Man kann es als ein Karnevalsfest bezeichnen, bei dem nur die Tumba gespielt wird.


    Kura Botanica Hotel Bildergalerie

    Basierend auf 107 Bewertungen
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    img-27Sharlon Francisco
    14:35 13 Jan 25
    Had a fantastic experience in this hotel. A super friendly welcome, clean, beautiful room and the team was incredibly sweet and helpful every day. This hotel is definitely recommended!!
    img-28Ariejene Geuze
    22:09 19 Dec 24
    Insanely clean, friendly, we enjoyed it.
    img-29Barbara Bakker
    21:53 18 Dec 24
    We enjoyed it so much here. Super nice and clean hotel and very friendly staff who are always there for you. We will be back again next year.
    img-30Mia Medrek
    15:26 11 Dec 24
    Cute hotel rooms with everything you need, hotel staff was super friendly!
    img-31Sara Plavic
    19:16 05 Dec 24
    We had a fantastic 3-night stay at Kura Botanica Hotel! The decor and rooms are beautifully curated, with a perfect balance of style and comfort—plus, the beds are incredibly comfy. The hotel is situated in the charming Kura Hulanda village, which has a great vibe and wonderful restaurant options.One of the highlights of the location is how close it is to the UNESCO heritage center. Everything is within walking distance, from the colorful houses to the vibrant neighborhood filled with fantastic dining options.A big thank you to all the staff for your work and especially for the best pool bartender!A special shoutout to Miguel, who truly made our stay unforgettable. His hospitality, warmth, and attention to detail ensured that we had an amazing experience. We’ll definitely be coming back!Cheers, Sara & Natasha + Parents from Switzerland
    img-32Jeanne Roy-Stämpfli
    20:56 22 Aug 24
    Wonderful boutique hotel in the historical center of Willemstad. Very special thanks to Miguel who was absolutely delightful and welcomed us with great warmth and care.
    img-33Tineke Willems
    00:18 04 Aug 24
    Wow! In a word, great... top service. You will receive a very warm welcome from Miguel. From the start you feel more than welcome. That's because of the entire team and the atmosphere there. If there is a problem, they are immediately available to help you. Super nice accommodation, perfect location. You can explore the entire island with a rental car and you can park it safely at the accommodation. In short, more than satisfied with this accommodation!
    img-34Bjorn Vanholme
    18:36 02 Aug 24
    End of july we stayed for 9 nights at Kura Botanica, and to be honest it was a fantastic experience! A really calm, nice hotel near to the city center. Pleasant and enjoyable people with Miguel and Derrel in particular. Room was spacious, clean, nice and very good airco (really important). Breakfast at Bario is only 2 minutes away from the hotel, but doesn't bother at all. When you return in the afternoon or evening at the hotel then there is always Derrel at the bar who is curious about your day (we really missed him when he had his day off).Hotel is a recommendation when you want a calm nice clean hotel near to the city center (and when you want to meet the 2 nicest people in Curaçao 😁)
    img-35Marijke Bonder
    19:10 27 Jul 24
    I had a wonderful holiday here with my adult children. Enjoy breakfast at Restaurant Bario nearby, drink delicious cocktails from friendly bartender Derrel at the pool bar or relax in the pool. An occasional chat with charming Miguel, who also gave us new beach towels for the pool. We had a lovely time. Thank you!
    img-36Cheyenne Bevers
    02:35 27 Jul 24
    Very good hotel! Rooms are really 1000/10! The staff is super friendly and happy to chat with you, especially the sweet Miquel and Derrel. It is super clean and very well cared for! I would really recommend everyone to go here. Small is beautiful! A nice homely atmosphere and super nice that everyone has their own entrance to your “house”/room! The courtyard outside the hotel is also super cozy with small shops and restaurants! Hotel is in a perfect location! Only a few minutes' walk to Willemstad (you can get there within 5 minutes). Once again highly recommended!
    img-37Dani De Oude
    18:18 19 Jul 24
    Great and cosy hotel. Miguel, Derrel and the rest of the staff are amazing. We had so much fun with them. We danced by the pool together. We made a lot of nice memories.The room was fine also.The towelservice is great. Breakfast at Bario hotel was very good. Love to come back here one day!!
    img-38Anjistha Bandyopadhyay
    19:06 12 Jul 24
    Amazing location, amazing hotel and very warm and hospitable staff. Rooms are very nice. A quiet oasis in the middle of the city. Parking is nearby the hotel at Kura Holanda parking lot. Breakfast is at another hotel 1 minute away.
    img-39L v D
    08:54 21 May 24
    Top location with friendly staff, right in the center and with nice rooms. Breakfast is a 3min walk and many restaurants at very short walking distance. Very good location for exploring Willemstad and free parking for a car.
    img-40Andy LaVigne
    21:52 28 Apr 24
    Miguel Miguel….We called the hotel after a bad experience at the Sandals resort. We wanted to checkout at our expense and end our trip on a positive note.Wow!!! I went with my instinct and chose the first hotel in the city that felt like the right choice. Miguel answered gave us 2 room options to decide on when we arrived and helped arrange a taxi.Located on the most gorgeous street is this boutique hotel 5 min walk from the city center. Beautiful street away from the cruise traffic and with local shops and restaurants. When you enter you smell the scent of a luxury hotel (also in the room!). Miguel greeted us, helped us to our room, allowed us to decide on rooms, we immediately knew we made the right decision.It is an elegant, boutique, smaller property, small nice pool with bar, comfy rooms with good AC and referred us for one of the top breakfast of our lives. The best part is the people Miguel was exceptional and our first introduction, but every staff member was wonderful only helping us enjoy!We loved the small area by the hotel and purchased many items locally made. We dined around the hotel which was top, but also in the city and by the sea all walking distance.I dive and suggest Epsilon divers or talk to the wonderful woman that runs Lionfish steps from the hotel.I highly suggest staying here at least 2-3 nights. If you want the beach split your stay and enjoy this hotel and the city as well. Even if you do a big resort make an effort to stay here during part of your trip!!!Miguel thank you for the welcome, advice, smile and small lock to leave our heart in Curacao. Our bucket list is a return to this hotel we loved it so much! Miguel really made our stay and we realize a smiling face that makes your trip a pleasure is worth a lot more than the big resort offer!
    img-41June LaVigne
    21:45 28 Apr 24
    Smelled amazing when you walked in, couldn't help but smile. location is perfect. In the middle of it all but yet, private and quiet. I can't say enough about customer service! Miguel is absolutely wonderful, put a smile on my face every time we interacted. He was helpful and even walked us around to show us what was near the hotel.Best hospitality/customer service I have ever experienced and I have traveled all over the world.
    img-42Steven Damiana
    13:19 11 Apr 24
    I have not experienced the rooms yet, but as an event, experiencing their service, attention and hospitality, they are doing a great job. The garden forms an amazing ambience for network meetings and private events. Definately recommended. Compliments to some of the waiters that are quite proactive and go the extra mile. Kudos to the team!
    img-43Karin Lion
    23:36 06 Apr 24
    img-44Luus de Kock
    13:19 06 Apr 24
    Kura Botanica is a standout, both with the beautiful, spacious and tasteful rooms with a fantastic bed and wonderful bathroom, and with the exceptionally friendly and helpful staff. The location in the heart of Otrabanda is also perfect. Kura Botanica is located in a beautiful garden, truly an oasis of peace.Highly recommended!,
    img-45Courtney King
    18:41 05 Apr 24
    Visited January/February 2024 and cannot wait to go back, great location (Otrobanda), not too far from airport, absolutely amazing staff I thoroughly enjoyed Miguel and Darrell and the sweet kitties miss that place so much and it smelt like actual heaven!!! Within walking distance to restaurants and shops, you can also easily access Punda by walking to the floating bridge, great food and music everywhere!! Kura Hulanda museum is right next door must see!!
    img-46Raylene Scott LeGrande
    21:36 17 Mar 24
    What a wonderful surprise. This hotel has the friendliest staff (everyone) and a great location! In the midst of an art district family homes. This will be my forever choice when visiting Curucao!!
    img-47Ingrid Landuyt
    18:20 08 Jan 24
    Dushi place to be!! ❤️❤️❤️
    img-48lize huppes
    01:00 04 Jan 24
    Had a very nice stay. Everything is clean and the place of the hotel is safe. Staff is very friendly & hospitable. Highly recommended!!
    img-49Ximena Peña ortiz
    10:39 22 Dec 23
    Very good hotel.. nice romanticthe staff is great. VeryAlways friendly and attentive. Good location. The cleaning people are very nice and everything is very clean.I would definitely return again.. thank you kura botanica and curaçao for a very good vacation.. in my heart ❤️
    img-50Andrego Starmans
    15:33 04 Dec 23
    img-51Jeroen Smeulders
    21:57 02 Dec 23
    Beautiful, nice and service-oriented boutique hotel in the heart of Willemstad.To be clear: If you book via Corendon: certainly not a 5* hotel (a good 4 is better). Missing some critical things. But they make up for it with great service!A quick summary of plus and minus pointsPlus:-Location. The heart of Willemstad. In the middle of restored Otrabanda. 15 minutes walk from Nieuwstraat. Nevertheless, very quiet.-Service: employees are super friendly and helpful.-Rooms. Rooms are clean and beds great. Nice shower. Are cleaned every day. And I mean really cleaned.-Nice poolside bar where there is a lot of chatting in the evening.-Adult only. Really nice.Minus:-No beach access. This is not something that you can blame the hotel for, but it is stated differently on the Corendon site. If you want to go to a beach, you will have to arrange that yourself. Otherwise they would have gotten 5 stars for location.-Swimming pool is quite small for 46 rooms. There are approximately 13 beds, so on busy check-out days: do the math.-Breakfast. They have outsourced breakfast to a restaurant nearby (Bario). Not a buffet but a la carte. During our stay we suffered from long waiting times. Kura management then took steps and things improved.-No gym.Extras:-If you stay here, it is wise to arrange a car for at least a few days.-Be informed by the hotel management about where to eat/be etc etc.
    img-52Edward Erasmus
    14:10 06 Nov 23
    I had a wonderful stay at Kura Botanica in Curacao. This boutique hotel exceeded my expectations in every way. The rooms were not only nice but also impeccably clean, which is always a priority for me when traveling. The location is fantastic, being so close to Brionplein and Punda, making it convenient to explore the vibrant surroundings.The ambiance at Kura Botanica is truly special. It radiates charm and offers a tranquil atmosphere that made my stay even more enjoyable. The staff was welcoming and attentive, adding to the overall positive experience.I would highly recommend Kura Botanica to anyone looking for a cozy and well-maintained boutique hotel in Curacao. It's a gem that ensures a delightful stay in this beautiful destination.
    img-53Whitney Redfield
    16:59 22 Oct 23
    Amazing boutique adult only hotel. One suggestion ... full length mirrors. Excellent service. Kind staff. Free cappuccinos if you ask nicely. Very close to all of Willemstad. Many amazing restaurants near by. The retail shops had such great selections of clothing and souvenirs. Highly recommend!!
    img-54Dennis Yu
    04:37 06 Oct 23
    Great place for our networking event, Kolektivo Conference. Minister of Economic Development for Curacao showed up, too.Wish that the jacuzzi was warm.
    img-55Bas Smit
    17:10 26 Sep 23
    It is a beautiful hotel with a perfect manager..
    img-56Jonathan Marques
    23:23 17 Sep 23
    Hotel with a beautiful garden, in the middle of a historic village. The service from the staff has always been friendly and multilingual. The room we stayed in was new and the bed was excellent!However, some problems were observed. They didn't replace the amenities for our last night, nor did they even collect a towel that was on the floor.The shower is also not separated from the rest of the bathroom, there is no curtain or shower stall which makes the bathroom wet. There was also a lack of support for soap and shampoo, which are on the floor.The parking lot is far away and you need to either walk with your bags or take your car close to the entrance and then return to the parking lot.But the worst thing for me was the breakfast. it is served in another hotel and there is no variety, it doesn't change between days, it is very simple and contained. You can just have a coffee and a juice and not repeat it. On the first day we were treated very poorly, even harshly, which made us not want to go back the next day.
    img-57Andre Ammerlaan
    18:31 03 Sep 23
    It was wonderful, super beautiful location.The beds sleep wonderfully, we have completely relaxed.It is a piece of oasis in the middle of the city.So many beautiful things to see and do within walking distance.The staff was super friendly😀
    img-58Marcelo Falk
    23:25 18 Aug 23
    img-59Peter Stephenson
    21:44 14 Aug 23
    Loving the hotel. Great location.
    img-60Bart de Jong
    22:03 21 Jul 23
    Great place to stay. Renovated only recently and rooms are excellent. Staff is very helpful and polite. Pool is a bit small but perfect to relax at the end of day. Or whenever you start your day later.Breakfast is in collaboration with a place 1min away and is taken good care off. Choices and taste are overall just good.They did tell Kura B is planning to build their own kitchen in the near future. But the 1min (literally) walk shouldn't trouble you.
    img-61Travis Anthony
    17:43 02 Jul 23
    We are locals and wanted a relaxing escape from our usual routine. This place was extremely relaxing, with a beautiful pool surrounded by large trees to provide a great mix of shade and sun. The hotel is very well located with many great restaurants within a few minutes walk. The rooms are very well designed for an authentic Curacao experience. We would highly recommend a stay to both couples as to individuals visiting Curacao.
    img-62naiomi sapphire
    08:17 16 Jun 23
    I think this is best hotel in Curaçao!It is sweet and charming, the rooms are very clean and well kept. It is comprised of several buildings within the property. Vivid colours both inside and outside of the rooms. Lots of lush foliage and very serene, literally perfect for retreating from busyness and embracing relaxation.It’s tucked in Kura Hulanda village so there’s plenty to do and eat without walking more than 10 minutes but I recommend exploring nearby neighbourhoods like Otrabanda (where the hotel is), Punda and Pietermaai which are all walking distanceWhat’s most memorable is the keen hospitality of the KB team. I felt welcomed throughout the duration of my stay, not just upon arrival. They happily answered every question I had and was consistently kind and helpful.Janette, Teresa, Disney, Darrel, Rosalita, and the young lady w the cute headscarf that complimented my crocs - you guys are amazing!My only regret is leaving such a good review bc now I risk KB not being available when I return!
    img-63Yannick Van Der Meiren
    16:36 06 Jan 23
    What a great holiday we had here!Very new boutique hotel where nothing is too much to ask.A super service with people who do everything they can to make your holiday the best!Rooms are very nice, modern and spacious!Location is perfect to stay away from the hustle and bustle, but still be close to the center.The district is in full bloom and is very pleasant to be in. A drink, a snack in a quiet setting where most tourists have not yet found their way. A gem!Breakfast at Maira's kitchen was great!Thank you to all staff! You make the experience and trip even more beautiful.GreetingsKaren and Yannick
    img-64Komplayt Kinderopvang
    16:24 31 Dec 22
    We had a wonderful stay at Kura Botanica! It just opened, everything is new, thought about and the service is nothing short of amazing!It is beautifully situated in the middle of Willemstad, close to the Pontjesbrug, in a neighborhood that exudes and exudes innovation. The people are fantastic, the breakfast at Maira delicious. We would like to come back soon!Amelia and Martin
    img-65ma no
    21:48 02 Dec 22
    The staff was verry nice and gave good advice. and the hotel was verry nice and clean. Francien HenriettaRocio Disney Derrel and Jeanette, thanks for the all the service. See your all next year....... B13.....
    img-66Lars de Brabander
    20:20 26 Oct 22
    This fully renewed boutique hotel is truly a beauty. Completely renovated, it lies in historic Willemstad on one minute walking distance of the Anna Bay and very close to some of the nicest beaches in Curacao
    img-67Thays Vidal
    23:08 11 Sep 22
    After the renovation, this luxury hotel is gonna be a huge success 🙌Friendly staff and nice location.
    img-68Sharlon Francisco
    14:35 13 Jan 25
    Had a fantastic experience in this hotel. A super friendly welcome, clean, beautiful room and the team was incredibly sweet and helpful every day. This hotel is definitely recommended!!
    img-69Ariejene Geuze
    22:09 19 Dec 24
    Insanely clean, friendly, we enjoyed it.
    img-70Barbara Bakker
    21:53 18 Dec 24
    We enjoyed it so much here. Super nice and clean hotel and very friendly staff who are always there for you. We will be back again next year.
    img-71Mia Medrek
    15:26 11 Dec 24
    Cute hotel rooms with everything you need, hotel staff was super friendly!
    img-72Sara Plavic
    19:16 05 Dec 24
    We had a fantastic 3-night stay at Kura Botanica Hotel! The decor and rooms are beautifully curated, with a perfect balance of style and comfort—plus, the beds are incredibly comfy. The hotel is situated in the charming Kura Hulanda village, which has a great vibe and wonderful restaurant options.One of the highlights of the location is how close it is to the UNESCO heritage center. Everything is within walking distance, from the colorful houses to the vibrant neighborhood filled with fantastic dining options.A big thank you to all the staff for your work and especially for the best pool bartender!A special shoutout to Miguel, who truly made our stay unforgettable. His hospitality, warmth, and attention to detail ensured that we had an amazing experience. We’ll definitely be coming back!Cheers, Sara & Natasha + Parents from Switzerland
    img-73Jeanne Roy-Stämpfli
    20:56 22 Aug 24
    Wonderful boutique hotel in the historical center of Willemstad. Very special thanks to Miguel who was absolutely delightful and welcomed us with great warmth and care.
    img-74Tineke Willems
    00:18 04 Aug 24
    Wow! In a word, great... top service. You will receive a very warm welcome from Miguel. From the start you feel more than welcome. That's because of the entire team and the atmosphere there. If there is a problem, they are immediately available to help you. Super nice accommodation, perfect location. You can explore the entire island with a rental car and you can park it safely at the accommodation. In short, more than satisfied with this accommodation!
    img-75Bjorn Vanholme
    18:36 02 Aug 24
    End of july we stayed for 9 nights at Kura Botanica, and to be honest it was a fantastic experience! A really calm, nice hotel near to the city center. Pleasant and enjoyable people with Miguel and Derrel in particular. Room was spacious, clean, nice and very good airco (really important). Breakfast at Bario is only 2 minutes away from the hotel, but doesn't bother at all. When you return in the afternoon or evening at the hotel then there is always Derrel at the bar who is curious about your day (we really missed him when he had his day off).Hotel is a recommendation when you want a calm nice clean hotel near to the city center (and when you want to meet the 2 nicest people in Curaçao 😁)
    img-76Marijke Bonder
    19:10 27 Jul 24
    I had a wonderful holiday here with my adult children. Enjoy breakfast at Restaurant Bario nearby, drink delicious cocktails from friendly bartender Derrel at the pool bar or relax in the pool. An occasional chat with charming Miguel, who also gave us new beach towels for the pool. We had a lovely time. Thank you!
    img-77Cheyenne Bevers
    02:35 27 Jul 24
    Very good hotel! Rooms are really 1000/10! The staff is super friendly and happy to chat with you, especially the sweet Miquel and Derrel. It is super clean and very well cared for! I would really recommend everyone to go here. Small is beautiful! A nice homely atmosphere and super nice that everyone has their own entrance to your “house”/room! The courtyard outside the hotel is also super cozy with small shops and restaurants! Hotel is in a perfect location! Only a few minutes' walk to Willemstad (you can get there within 5 minutes). Once again highly recommended!
    img-78Dani De Oude
    18:18 19 Jul 24
    Great and cosy hotel. Miguel, Derrel and the rest of the staff are amazing. We had so much fun with them. We danced by the pool together. We made a lot of nice memories.The room was fine also.The towelservice is great. Breakfast at Bario hotel was very good. Love to come back here one day!!
    img-79Anjistha Bandyopadhyay
    19:06 12 Jul 24
    Amazing location, amazing hotel and very warm and hospitable staff. Rooms are very nice. A quiet oasis in the middle of the city. Parking is nearby the hotel at Kura Holanda parking lot. Breakfast is at another hotel 1 minute away.
    img-80L v D
    08:54 21 May 24
    Top location with friendly staff, right in the center and with nice rooms. Breakfast is a 3min walk and many restaurants at very short walking distance. Very good location for exploring Willemstad and free parking for a car.
    img-81Andy LaVigne
    21:52 28 Apr 24
    Miguel Miguel….We called the hotel after a bad experience at the Sandals resort. We wanted to checkout at our expense and end our trip on a positive note.Wow!!! I went with my instinct and chose the first hotel in the city that felt like the right choice. Miguel answered gave us 2 room options to decide on when we arrived and helped arrange a taxi.Located on the most gorgeous street is this boutique hotel 5 min walk from the city center. Beautiful street away from the cruise traffic and with local shops and restaurants. When you enter you smell the scent of a luxury hotel (also in the room!). Miguel greeted us, helped us to our room, allowed us to decide on rooms, we immediately knew we made the right decision.It is an elegant, boutique, smaller property, small nice pool with bar, comfy rooms with good AC and referred us for one of the top breakfast of our lives. The best part is the people Miguel was exceptional and our first introduction, but every staff member was wonderful only helping us enjoy!We loved the small area by the hotel and purchased many items locally made. We dined around the hotel which was top, but also in the city and by the sea all walking distance.I dive and suggest Epsilon divers or talk to the wonderful woman that runs Lionfish steps from the hotel.I highly suggest staying here at least 2-3 nights. If you want the beach split your stay and enjoy this hotel and the city as well. Even if you do a big resort make an effort to stay here during part of your trip!!!Miguel thank you for the welcome, advice, smile and small lock to leave our heart in Curacao. Our bucket list is a return to this hotel we loved it so much! Miguel really made our stay and we realize a smiling face that makes your trip a pleasure is worth a lot more than the big resort offer!
    img-82June LaVigne
    21:45 28 Apr 24
    Smelled amazing when you walked in, couldn't help but smile. location is perfect. In the middle of it all but yet, private and quiet. I can't say enough about customer service! Miguel is absolutely wonderful, put a smile on my face every time we interacted. He was helpful and even walked us around to show us what was near the hotel.Best hospitality/customer service I have ever experienced and I have traveled all over the world.
    img-83Steven Damiana
    13:19 11 Apr 24
    I have not experienced the rooms yet, but as an event, experiencing their service, attention and hospitality, they are doing a great job. The garden forms an amazing ambience for network meetings and private events. Definately recommended. Compliments to some of the waiters that are quite proactive and go the extra mile. Kudos to the team!
    img-84Karin Lion
    23:36 06 Apr 24
    img-85Luus de Kock
    13:19 06 Apr 24
    Kura Botanica is a standout, both with the beautiful, spacious and tasteful rooms with a fantastic bed and wonderful bathroom, and with the exceptionally friendly and helpful staff. The location in the heart of Otrabanda is also perfect. Kura Botanica is located in a beautiful garden, truly an oasis of peace.Highly recommended!,
    img-86Courtney King
    18:41 05 Apr 24
    Visited January/February 2024 and cannot wait to go back, great location (Otrobanda), not too far from airport, absolutely amazing staff I thoroughly enjoyed Miguel and Darrell and the sweet kitties miss that place so much and it smelt like actual heaven!!! Within walking distance to restaurants and shops, you can also easily access Punda by walking to the floating bridge, great food and music everywhere!! Kura Hulanda museum is right next door must see!!
    img-87Raylene Scott LeGrande
    21:36 17 Mar 24
    What a wonderful surprise. This hotel has the friendliest staff (everyone) and a great location! In the midst of an art district family homes. This will be my forever choice when visiting Curucao!!
    img-88Ingrid Landuyt
    18:20 08 Jan 24
    Dushi place to be!! ❤️❤️❤️
    img-89lize huppes
    01:00 04 Jan 24
    Had a very nice stay. Everything is clean and the place of the hotel is safe. Staff is very friendly & hospitable. Highly recommended!!
    img-90Ximena Peña ortiz
    10:39 22 Dec 23
    Very good hotel.. nice romanticthe staff is great. VeryAlways friendly and attentive. Good location. The cleaning people are very nice and everything is very clean.I would definitely return again.. thank you kura botanica and curaçao for a very good vacation.. in my heart ❤️
    img-91Andrego Starmans
    15:33 04 Dec 23
    img-92Jeroen Smeulders
    21:57 02 Dec 23
    Beautiful, nice and service-oriented boutique hotel in the heart of Willemstad.To be clear: If you book via Corendon: certainly not a 5* hotel (a good 4 is better). Missing some critical things. But they make up for it with great service!A quick summary of plus and minus pointsPlus:-Location. The heart of Willemstad. In the middle of restored Otrabanda. 15 minutes walk from Nieuwstraat. Nevertheless, very quiet.-Service: employees are super friendly and helpful.-Rooms. Rooms are clean and beds great. Nice shower. Are cleaned every day. And I mean really cleaned.-Nice poolside bar where there is a lot of chatting in the evening.-Adult only. Really nice.Minus:-No beach access. This is not something that you can blame the hotel for, but it is stated differently on the Corendon site. If you want to go to a beach, you will have to arrange that yourself. Otherwise they would have gotten 5 stars for location.-Swimming pool is quite small for 46 rooms. There are approximately 13 beds, so on busy check-out days: do the math.-Breakfast. They have outsourced breakfast to a restaurant nearby (Bario). Not a buffet but a la carte. During our stay we suffered from long waiting times. Kura management then took steps and things improved.-No gym.Extras:-If you stay here, it is wise to arrange a car for at least a few days.-Be informed by the hotel management about where to eat/be etc etc.
    img-93Edward Erasmus
    14:10 06 Nov 23
    I had a wonderful stay at Kura Botanica in Curacao. This boutique hotel exceeded my expectations in every way. The rooms were not only nice but also impeccably clean, which is always a priority for me when traveling. The location is fantastic, being so close to Brionplein and Punda, making it convenient to explore the vibrant surroundings.The ambiance at Kura Botanica is truly special. It radiates charm and offers a tranquil atmosphere that made my stay even more enjoyable. The staff was welcoming and attentive, adding to the overall positive experience.I would highly recommend Kura Botanica to anyone looking for a cozy and well-maintained boutique hotel in Curacao. It's a gem that ensures a delightful stay in this beautiful destination.
    img-94Whitney Redfield
    16:59 22 Oct 23
    Amazing boutique adult only hotel. One suggestion ... full length mirrors. Excellent service. Kind staff. Free cappuccinos if you ask nicely. Very close to all of Willemstad. Many amazing restaurants near by. The retail shops had such great selections of clothing and souvenirs. Highly recommend!!
    img-95Dennis Yu
    04:37 06 Oct 23
    Great place for our networking event, Kolektivo Conference. Minister of Economic Development for Curacao showed up, too.Wish that the jacuzzi was warm.
    img-96Bas Smit
    17:10 26 Sep 23
    It is a beautiful hotel with a perfect manager..
    img-97Jonathan Marques
    23:23 17 Sep 23
    Hotel with a beautiful garden, in the middle of a historic village. The service from the staff has always been friendly and multilingual. The room we stayed in was new and the bed was excellent!However, some problems were observed. They didn't replace the amenities for our last night, nor did they even collect a towel that was on the floor.The shower is also not separated from the rest of the bathroom, there is no curtain or shower stall which makes the bathroom wet. There was also a lack of support for soap and shampoo, which are on the floor.The parking lot is far away and you need to either walk with your bags or take your car close to the entrance and then return to the parking lot.But the worst thing for me was the breakfast. it is served in another hotel and there is no variety, it doesn't change between days, it is very simple and contained. You can just have a coffee and a juice and not repeat it. On the first day we were treated very poorly, even harshly, which made us not want to go back the next day.
    img-98Andre Ammerlaan
    18:31 03 Sep 23
    It was wonderful, super beautiful location.The beds sleep wonderfully, we have completely relaxed.It is a piece of oasis in the middle of the city.So many beautiful things to see and do within walking distance.The staff was super friendly😀
    img-99Marcelo Falk
    23:25 18 Aug 23
    img-100Peter Stephenson
    21:44 14 Aug 23
    Loving the hotel. Great location.
    img-101Bart de Jong
    22:03 21 Jul 23
    Great place to stay. Renovated only recently and rooms are excellent. Staff is very helpful and polite. Pool is a bit small but perfect to relax at the end of day. Or whenever you start your day later.Breakfast is in collaboration with a place 1min away and is taken good care off. Choices and taste are overall just good.They did tell Kura B is planning to build their own kitchen in the near future. But the 1min (literally) walk shouldn't trouble you.
    img-102Travis Anthony
    17:43 02 Jul 23
    We are locals and wanted a relaxing escape from our usual routine. This place was extremely relaxing, with a beautiful pool surrounded by large trees to provide a great mix of shade and sun. The hotel is very well located with many great restaurants within a few minutes walk. The rooms are very well designed for an authentic Curacao experience. We would highly recommend a stay to both couples as to individuals visiting Curacao.
    img-103naiomi sapphire
    08:17 16 Jun 23
    I think this is best hotel in Curaçao!It is sweet and charming, the rooms are very clean and well kept. It is comprised of several buildings within the property. Vivid colours both inside and outside of the rooms. Lots of lush foliage and very serene, literally perfect for retreating from busyness and embracing relaxation.It’s tucked in Kura Hulanda village so there’s plenty to do and eat without walking more than 10 minutes but I recommend exploring nearby neighbourhoods like Otrabanda (where the hotel is), Punda and Pietermaai which are all walking distanceWhat’s most memorable is the keen hospitality of the KB team. I felt welcomed throughout the duration of my stay, not just upon arrival. They happily answered every question I had and was consistently kind and helpful.Janette, Teresa, Disney, Darrel, Rosalita, and the young lady w the cute headscarf that complimented my crocs - you guys are amazing!My only regret is leaving such a good review bc now I risk KB not being available when I return!
    img-104Yannick Van Der Meiren
    16:36 06 Jan 23
    What a great holiday we had here!Very new boutique hotel where nothing is too much to ask.A super service with people who do everything they can to make your holiday the best!Rooms are very nice, modern and spacious!Location is perfect to stay away from the hustle and bustle, but still be close to the center.The district is in full bloom and is very pleasant to be in. A drink, a snack in a quiet setting where most tourists have not yet found their way. A gem!Breakfast at Maira's kitchen was great!Thank you to all staff! You make the experience and trip even more beautiful.GreetingsKaren and Yannick
    img-105Komplayt Kinderopvang
    16:24 31 Dec 22
    We had a wonderful stay at Kura Botanica! It just opened, everything is new, thought about and the service is nothing short of amazing!It is beautifully situated in the middle of Willemstad, close to the Pontjesbrug, in a neighborhood that exudes and exudes innovation. The people are fantastic, the breakfast at Maira delicious. We would like to come back soon!Amelia and Martin
    img-106ma no
    21:48 02 Dec 22
    The staff was verry nice and gave good advice. and the hotel was verry nice and clean. Francien HenriettaRocio Disney Derrel and Jeanette, thanks for the all the service. See your all next year....... B13.....
    img-107Lars de Brabander
    20:20 26 Oct 22
    This fully renewed boutique hotel is truly a beauty. Completely renovated, it lies in historic Willemstad on one minute walking distance of the Anna Bay and very close to some of the nicest beaches in Curacao
    img-108Thays Vidal
    23:08 11 Sep 22
    After the renovation, this luxury hotel is gonna be a huge success 🙌Friendly staff and nice location.


    Der Begriff papia, der „sprechen“ bedeutet, ist der Ursprung des Namens Papiamentu.

    Lernen Sie ein paar dieser Wörter vor Ihrer Reise nach Curaçao. Die Bemühungen der Touristen, Papiamentu zu sprechen, werden von den Einheimischen sehr geschätzt. Sie können auch mit Niederländisch auskommen. Hier sind ein paar Worte, mit denen Sie zumindest einen interessierten Eindruck machen können.

    Englisch = Papiamentu

    Willkommen = Bon Bini

    Guten Morgen = Bon dia

    Guten Tag = Bon tardi

    Guten Abend = Bon nochi

    Schöne Woche = Bon siman (am Sonntag und Montag)

    Frohes Wochenende = Bon wikent

    Auf Wiedersehen = Ayo

    Bis zum nächsten Mal = Te otro bia

    Auf Wiedersehen = Te akiratu

    Auf Wiedersehen = Te awero

    Bis morgen = Te mañan


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