Authentisches Essen – Was ist das berühmte Essen von Curaçao?

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    Entdecken Sie die traditionellen, berühmten Gerichte von Curaçao

    Die karibische Küche ist so bunt wie ihre Kultur. Probieren Sie einige der besten regionalen Küchen der Karibik.
    Curaçao ist eine der schönsten Inseln der Welt. Aber es dauert nicht lange, bis man begreift, warum sich viele Menschen für einen Urlaub hier entscheiden.

    Die natürliche Schönheit ist unbestreitbar, aber was Curacao wirklich einzigartig macht, sind die Aromen, die man überall auf der Insel findet.
    Die Esskultur auf Curaçao ist vielfältig, denn Curaçao ist als eine der vielfältigsten Inseln der Karibik bekannt. Hier leben mehr als 50 Nationalitäten, und Sie können köstliche traditionelle Gerichte genießen: traditionelle kreolische Gerichte wie Curryziege und geschmorter Hecht, gekochtes Maismehl bis hin zu internationalen Favoriten wie Sushi und Pizza. Von frischen lokalen Produkten bis hin zu lokal produzierten Weinen und Spirituosen ist für jeden etwas dabei. Dieser Blog zeigt Ihnen, wo Sie diese Spezialitäten auf unserer Insel finden können.

    Es gibt viele (manchmal unerwartete) Lieblingsgerichte und -getränke der Insel, die es wert sind, probiert zu werden, während man die Sonne und den Strand auf Curaçao genießt.


    Leguanfleisch wird häufig für Eintöpfe und Suppen verwendet, aber am bekanntesten ist es als Hauptzutat des Nationalgerichts von Curaçao, der Leguansuppe ‚Sopi di Yuana‘. Das Fleisch wird langsam mit Zwiebeln und Gewürzen gebraten, auf weißem Reis serviert und mit einer Limettenscheibe verfeinert. Es soll helfen, Erkältungen und Schnupfen vorzubeugen.

    Fish & Chips

    Wenn es um britische Pub-Klassiker geht, gibt es nur wenige Orte auf Curaçao, die sie besser machen. Bei Jaanchie’s können die Gäste frisch gebratenen Fisch und Chips mit Pommes frites genießen.

    Karni stoba

    Rindergulasch – mit Ziege zubereitet – ist ein herzhaftes Gericht, bei dem marinierte Fleischwürfel mit verschiedenen Kombinationen von Zwiebeln und Gewürzen geschmort werden.
    Sie finden ihn überall, auch in der zwanglosen Cafeteria und dem eleganten Restaurant und Café Gouverneur de Rouville, das sich in einem historischen Herrenhaus mit Blick auf die St. Anna-Bucht und neben dem schönen Hotel Kura Botanica befindet. Die St.-Anna-Bucht und die farbenfrohen Reihen holländischer Kolonialhäuser, die die Uferpromenade säumen, sind ebenfalls großartige Orte, um eine Mahlzeit zu genießen.


    Die Verkäufer auf dem Plasa Bieu verkaufen Kürbispfannkuchen. Sie kosten 1 $ pro Stück und werden heiß serviert. Sie finden sie in der Plasa Bieu, in Punda, Willemstad. Diese Pfannkuchen sind es wirklich wert.


    Die Fischbällchen stammen ursprünglich aus Curaçao, wo sie traditionell am Heiligabend zum Abendessen serviert werden. Dieses Gericht wird mit einer Kombination von Zutaten wie Thunfisch, Knoblauch, Zwiebeln und Paprika zubereitet.


    Bananen-Stobá ist ein klassisches niederländisch-karibisches Rezept. Er wird traditionell in der Weihnachtszeit zu Truthahn oder Lammfleisch serviert. Sie können auch die süße Version von stobá (Eintopf), Bananen stobá, essen, die aus Kochbananen und einigen Kräutern zubereitet wird.

    Piska Ku Funchi

    Der Name ist Programm: Wörtlich übersetzt bedeutet er „mit Polenta gekochter Fisch“. Dieses Gericht entstand während einer Hungersnot in Ghana vor etwa 40 Jahren. Die Menschen ernährten sich hauptsächlich von Maismehlbrei, Polenta genannt, der mit Wasser vermischt und über Nacht gekocht wurde. Diese einfache Mahlzeit wurde bei den Einheimischen sehr beliebt. Sehr zu empfehlen ist auch Funchi hasa, ein frittiertes Funchi (ähnlich wie Chips). Für das volle Erlebnis sollten Sie etwas Käse hinzufügen.

    Dieses Anwesen, das sich über ein Gebiet von acht Häuserblocks erstreckt, bietet ein einzigartiges Luxuserlebnis in einem botanischen und friedlichen Rückzugsort, der absolute Privatsphäre und Intimität bietet.
    Ideal für Geschäftsleute, Paare oder Liebende pausenbedürftig

    Die besten lokalen Restaurants auf Curaçao

    Um Ihren Aufenthalt so einfach und köstlich wie möglich zu gestalten, lesen Sie einfach diese Liste der besten lokalen Restaurants auf der Insel.

    Probieren Sie lokale Gerichte im Plasa Bieu

    Wenn Sie auf Curaçao sind, sollten Sie nicht zögern, die verschiedenen lokalen Gerichte zu probieren, die die Insel zu bieten hat. Das Plaza Bieu ist eine lokale Institution, die köstliche karibische Gerichte in großen Portionen serviert. Auf dem Open-Air-Markt in Punda können die Besucher eine herzhafte Mahlzeit genießen, während sie die Sehenswürdigkeiten und Geräusche des belebten Marktes wahrnehmen.

    Auf dem Alten Markt (Plaza Bieu) finden Sie Dutzende – nein, Hunderte – von lokalen Anbietern, die alles verkaufen, vom frisch gebackenen Brot bis zum selbstgemachten Eis. Aber es geht nicht nur um Essen, sondern auch um Kunsthandwerker, die handgefertigte Gegenstände, Schmuck, Kleidung und sogar Souvenirs verkaufen. Hier gibt es keine Ladenketten, sondern jeder Händler verkauft seine Waren direkt an seinem Stand. Auch für Vegetarier gibt es zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, darunter ein veganes Restaurant und eine Saftbar.

    Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach etwas Besonderem sind, sollten Sie eines der traditionellen Gerichte probieren, die auf dem Markt angeboten werden. Probieren Sie kabes ku higa , ein herzhaftes Fleischgericht mit Ziegenfleisch. Oder entscheiden Sie sich für das Curry-Huhn, ein würziges Curry mit Kokosmilch und Gewürzen gekocht. Eine köstliche Art, den Tag zu beginnen.

    Und vergessen Sie den Nachtisch nicht. Neben dem üblichen Angebot an süßen Leckereien finden Sie hier auch viele herzhafte Snacks wie Käsekuchen, Empanadas und Sandwiches.


    Essen im Freien mit karibischem Flair
    Auf der Insel Curaçao finden Sie zahlreiche Restaurants, die köstliche Speisen servieren. Ein solcher Ort ist Rozendaels, im Herzen der Stadt gelegen. Rozendaels befindet sich im belebten Pietermaai-Viertel.

    Dieses Restaurant bietet eine Vielzahl von Gerichten an, darunter auch einige traditionelle Favoriten wie Curacao-Huhn und Rindereintopf. Es werden aber auch Gerichte serviert, die von verschiedenen Kulturen der Welt inspiriert sind.

    Rozendaels bietet nicht nur eine große Auswahl an lokalen Gerichten, sondern serviert auch eine Vielzahl internationaler Speisen. Vielleicht finden Sie Dinge, die Sie kennen, wie Pizza und Pasta, aber es gibt auch Gerichte, die Sie wahrscheinlich noch nie probiert haben. Das Restaurant bietet zum Beispiel ein Gericht namens „Kashmiri Curry“ an, das aus Lammfleisch mit Gemüse und Gewürzen besteht.

    Es gibt genügend Sitzplätze innerhalb und außerhalb des Restaurants. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach etwas Besonderem sind, sollten Sie die Dessertkarte ausprobieren. Es gibt mehrere verlockende Angebote, darunter Schokoladenmousse-Torte und Kokosnusscreme-Torte.

    Jaanchie’s Restaurant

    Die Speisekarte in Jaanchie’s Restaurant ist einfach – nur drei Hauptgerichte mit Reis und Bohnen, Gemüsesalat und Nachtisch. Aber die Auswahl ist groß: Meeresfrüchte wie gegrillter Zackenbarsch, Garnelen und Hummer, fleischhaltige Vorspeisen wie Hähnchenbrust, Schweinelende und Steak sowie vegetarische Gerichte wie Kürbissuppe, Spinatkuchen und Kartoffelcurry. Es gibt sogar einige traditionelle karibische Gerichte wie frittierte Kochbananenchips und Curryziege.

    Aber was Jaanchie’s wirklich auszeichnet, ist der Hauptgang: Leguansuppe. Der Name des Restaurants leitet sich von dem niederländischen Wort „iguana“ ab, was Eidechse bedeutet, da Jaanchie’s lebende Leguane als eine der Proteinquellen verwendet.
    Das Restaurant bietet verschiedene Arten von Leguansuppe an, je nachdem, wie viel Fleisch Sie wünschen und ob Sie die Suppe scharf oder mild mögen. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach etwas Leichtem sind, probieren Sie die „Kokosnuss-Leguansuppe“.

    Wer mehr Geschmack möchte, kann sich für die „Hühnerleguan-Suppe“ oder den „scharfen Leguan“ entscheiden. Der Star der Show ist hier nicht die Suppe selbst, sondern die Leguane selbst. Sie bewegen sich frei auf dem Anwesen von Jaanchie, wo sie seit ihrer Geburt leben. Sie ernähren sich von Gräsern und Blättern und nehmen gelegentlich ein Bad im Meer.

    Der Garten des Gutsarztes – „Restaurant Komedor Krioyo“

    Im historischen Doktorstuin, einem restaurierten Herrenhaus aus dem 18. Jahrhundert mit gelbem Anstrich und Blechdach, werden authentische regionale Gerichte serviert. Es liegt an der Straße nach Westpunt (der Westseite der Insel, wo sich die schönsten Strände befinden) und ist in einem ehemaligen Wohnhaus von Dr. Evert Jansen van der Meer untergebracht, einem der Gründerväter von Curaçao.

    Auf der Speisekarte stehen köstliche traditionelle Gerichte wie geschmorte Ziege, geschmorte Bananen mit Fleisch, roter Schnapper und vieles mehr.


    Food Trucks werden immer beliebter, aber auf Curaçao gibt es schon seit Jahren mehrere Food Trucks. Sie bieten Komfort, Vielfalt und Erschwinglichkeit.

    BBQ Express bietet Grillgerichte und Getränke an. Auf der Speisekarte stehen Sandwiches mit Rinderbrust, Brathähnchen, Pulled Pork und Makkaroni mit Käse. Dazu gibt es Beilagen wie süße Chips und Maisbrotstangen.

    Der Imbisswagen serviert herzhafte Portionen, und viele Kunden sagen, dass sie wiederkommen, weil sie die Qualität der Speisen und den Kundenservice schätzen.

    Kura Botanica Hotel Bildergalerie

    Kura Botanica Hotel
    Basierend auf 86 Bewertungen
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    Tineke WillemsTineke Willems
    00:18 04 Aug 24
    Wow! In a word, great... top service. You will receive a very warm welcome from Miguel. From the start you feel more than welcome. That's because of the entire team and the atmosphere there. If there is a problem, they are immediately available to help you. Super nice accommodation, perfect location. You can explore the entire island with a rental car and you can park it safely at the accommodation. In short, more than satisfied with this accommodation!
    Bjorn VanholmeBjorn Vanholme
    18:36 02 Aug 24
    End of july we stayed for 9 nights at Kura Botanica, and to be honest it was a fantastic experience! A really calm, nice hotel near to the city center. Pleasant and enjoyable people with Miguel and Derrel in particular. Room was spacious, clean, nice and very good airco (really important). Breakfast at Bario is only 2 minutes away from the hotel, but doesn't bother at all. When you return in the afternoon or evening at the hotel then there is always Derrel at the bar who is curious about your day (we really missed him when he had his day off).Hotel is a recommendation when you want a calm nice clean hotel near to the city center (and when you want to meet the 2 nicest people in Curaçao 😁)
    Marijke BonderMarijke Bonder
    19:10 27 Jul 24
    I had a wonderful holiday here with my adult children. Enjoy breakfast at Restaurant Bario nearby, drink delicious cocktails from friendly bartender Derrel at the pool bar or relax in the pool. An occasional chat with charming Miguel, who also gave us new beach towels for the pool. We had a lovely time. Thank you!
    Cheyenne BeversCheyenne Bevers
    02:35 27 Jul 24
    Very good hotel! Rooms are really 1000/10! The staff is super friendly and happy to chat with you, especially the sweet Miquel and Derrel. It is super clean and very well cared for! I would really recommend everyone to go here. Small is beautiful! A nice homely atmosphere and super nice that everyone has their own entrance to your “house”/room! The courtyard outside the hotel is also super cozy with small shops and restaurants! Hotel is in a perfect location! Only a few minutes' walk to Willemstad (you can get there within 5 minutes). Once again highly recommended!
    Dani De OudeDani De Oude
    18:18 19 Jul 24
    Great and cosy hotel. Miguel, Derrel and the rest of the staff are amazing. We had so much fun with them. We danced by the pool together. We made a lot of nice memories.The room was fine also.The towelservice is great. Breakfast at Bario hotel was very good. Love to come back here one day!!
    Anjistha BandyopadhyayAnjistha Bandyopadhyay
    19:06 12 Jul 24
    Amazing location, amazing hotel and very warm and hospitable staff. Rooms are very nice. A quiet oasis in the middle of the city. Parking is nearby the hotel at Kura Holanda parking lot. Breakfast is at another hotel 1 minute away.
    L v DL v D
    08:54 21 May 24
    Top location with friendly staff, right in the center and with nice rooms. Breakfast is a 3min walk and many restaurants at very short walking distance. Very good location for exploring Willemstad and free parking for a car.
    June LaVigneJune LaVigne
    21:45 28 Apr 24
    Smelled amazing when you walked in, couldn't help but smile. location is perfect. In the middle of it all but yet, private and quiet. I can't say enough about customer service! Miguel is absolutely wonderful, put a smile on my face every time we interacted. He was helpful and even walked us around to show us what was near the hotel.Best hospitality/customer service I have ever experienced and I have traveled all over the world.
    Steven DamianaSteven Damiana
    13:19 11 Apr 24
    I have not experienced the rooms yet, but as an event, experiencing their service, attention and hospitality, they are doing a great job. The garden forms an amazing ambience for network meetings and private events. Definately recommended. Compliments to some of the waiters that are quite proactive and go the extra mile. Kudos to the team!
    Karin LionKarin Lion
    23:36 06 Apr 24
    Luus de KockLuus de Kock
    13:19 06 Apr 24
    Kura Botanica is a standout, both with the beautiful, spacious and tasteful rooms with a fantastic bed and wonderful bathroom, and with the exceptionally friendly and helpful staff. The location in the heart of Otrabanda is also perfect. Kura Botanica is located in a beautiful garden, truly an oasis of peace.Highly recommended!,
    Courtney KingCourtney King
    18:41 05 Apr 24
    Visited January/February 2024 and cannot wait to go back, great location (Otrobanda), not too far from airport, absolutely amazing staff I thoroughly enjoyed Miguel and Darrell and the sweet kitties miss that place so much and it smelt like actual heaven!!! Within walking distance to restaurants and shops, you can also easily access Punda by walking to the floating bridge, great food and music everywhere!! Kura Hulanda museum is right next door must see!!
    Raylene Scott LeGrandeRaylene Scott LeGrande
    21:36 17 Mar 24
    What a wonderful surprise. This hotel has the friendliest staff (everyone) and a great location! In the midst of an art district family homes. This will be my forever choice when visiting Curucao!!
    Ingrid LanduytIngrid Landuyt
    18:20 08 Jan 24
    Dushi place to be!! ❤️❤️❤️
    lize huppeslize huppes
    01:00 04 Jan 24
    Had a very nice stay. Everything is clean and the place of the hotel is safe. Staff is very friendly & hospitable. Highly recommended!!
    Ximena Peña ortizXimena Peña ortiz
    10:39 22 Dec 23
    Very good hotel.. nice romanticthe staff is great. VeryAlways friendly and attentive. Good location. The cleaning people are very nice and everything is very clean.I would definitely return again.. thank you kura botanica and curaçao for a very good vacation.. in my heart ❤️
    Andrego StarmansAndrego Starmans
    15:33 04 Dec 23
    Jeroen SmeuldersJeroen Smeulders
    21:57 02 Dec 23
    Beautiful, nice and service-oriented boutique hotel in the heart of Willemstad.To be clear: If you book via Corendon: certainly not a 5* hotel (a good 4 is better). Missing some critical things. But they make up for it with great service!A quick summary of plus and minus pointsPlus:-Location. The heart of Willemstad. In the middle of restored Otrabanda. 15 minutes walk from Nieuwstraat. Nevertheless, very quiet.-Service: employees are super friendly and helpful.-Rooms. Rooms are clean and beds great. Nice shower. Are cleaned every day. And I mean really cleaned.-Nice poolside bar where there is a lot of chatting in the evening.-Adult only. Really nice.Minus:-No beach access. This is not something that you can blame the hotel for, but it is stated differently on the Corendon site. If you want to go to a beach, you will have to arrange that yourself. Otherwise they would have gotten 5 stars for location.-Swimming pool is quite small for 46 rooms. There are approximately 13 beds, so on busy check-out days: do the math.-Breakfast. They have outsourced breakfast to a restaurant nearby (Bario). Not a buffet but a la carte. During our stay we suffered from long waiting times. Kura management then took steps and things improved.-No gym.Extras:-If you stay here, it is wise to arrange a car for at least a few days.-Be informed by the hotel management about where to eat/be etc etc.
    Edward ErasmusEdward Erasmus
    14:10 06 Nov 23
    I had a wonderful stay at Kura Botanica in Curacao. This boutique hotel exceeded my expectations in every way. The rooms were not only nice but also impeccably clean, which is always a priority for me when traveling. The location is fantastic, being so close to Brionplein and Punda, making it convenient to explore the vibrant surroundings.The ambiance at Kura Botanica is truly special. It radiates charm and offers a tranquil atmosphere that made my stay even more enjoyable. The staff was welcoming and attentive, adding to the overall positive experience.I would highly recommend Kura Botanica to anyone looking for a cozy and well-maintained boutique hotel in Curacao. It's a gem that ensures a delightful stay in this beautiful destination.
    Whitney RedfieldWhitney Redfield
    16:59 22 Oct 23
    Amazing boutique adult only hotel. One suggestion ... full length mirrors. Excellent service. Kind staff. Free cappuccinos if you ask nicely. Very close to all of Willemstad. Many amazing restaurants near by. The retail shops had such great selections of clothing and souvenirs. Highly recommend!!
    Dennis YuDennis Yu
    04:37 06 Oct 23
    Great place for our networking event, Kolektivo Conference. Minister of Economic Development for Curacao showed up, too.Wish that the jacuzzi was warm.
    Bas SmitBas Smit
    17:10 26 Sep 23
    It is a beautiful hotel with a perfect manager..
    Jonathan MarquesJonathan Marques
    23:23 17 Sep 23
    Hotel with a beautiful garden, in the middle of a historic village. The service from the staff has always been friendly and multilingual. The room we stayed in was new and the bed was excellent!However, some problems were observed. They didn't replace the amenities for our last night, nor did they even collect a towel that was on the floor.The shower is also not separated from the rest of the bathroom, there is no curtain or shower stall which makes the bathroom wet. There was also a lack of support for soap and shampoo, which are on the floor.The parking lot is far away and you need to either walk with your bags or take your car close to the entrance and then return to the parking lot.But the worst thing for me was the breakfast. it is served in another hotel and there is no variety, it doesn't change between days, it is very simple and contained. You can just have a coffee and a juice and not repeat it. On the first day we were treated very poorly, even harshly, which made us not want to go back the next day.
    Andre AmmerlaanAndre Ammerlaan
    18:31 03 Sep 23
    It was wonderful, super beautiful location.The beds sleep wonderfully, we have completely relaxed.It is a piece of oasis in the middle of the city.So many beautiful things to see and do within walking distance.The staff was super friendly😀
    Marcelo FalkMarcelo Falk
    23:25 18 Aug 23
    Peter StephensonPeter Stephenson
    21:44 14 Aug 23
    Loving the hotel. Great location.
    Bart de JongBart de Jong
    22:03 21 Jul 23
    Great place to stay. Renovated only recently and rooms are excellent. Staff is very helpful and polite. Pool is a bit small but perfect to relax at the end of day. Or whenever you start your day later.Breakfast is in collaboration with a place 1min away and is taken good care off. Choices and taste are overall just good.They did tell Kura B is planning to build their own kitchen in the near future. But the 1min (literally) walk shouldn't trouble you.
    Travis AnthonyTravis Anthony
    17:43 02 Jul 23
    We are locals and wanted a relaxing escape from our usual routine. This place was extremely relaxing, with a beautiful pool surrounded by large trees to provide a great mix of shade and sun. The hotel is very well located with many great restaurants within a few minutes walk. The rooms are very well designed for an authentic Curacao experience. We would highly recommend a stay to both couples as to individuals visiting Curacao.
    naiomi sapphirenaiomi sapphire
    08:17 16 Jun 23
    I think this is best hotel in Curaçao!It is sweet and charming, the rooms are very clean and well kept. It is comprised of several buildings within the property. Vivid colours both inside and outside of the rooms. Lots of lush foliage and very serene, literally perfect for retreating from busyness and embracing relaxation.It’s tucked in Kura Hulanda village so there’s plenty to do and eat without walking more than 10 minutes but I recommend exploring nearby neighbourhoods like Otrabanda (where the hotel is), Punda and Pietermaai which are all walking distanceWhat’s most memorable is the keen hospitality of the KB team. I felt welcomed throughout the duration of my stay, not just upon arrival. They happily answered every question I had and was consistently kind and helpful.Janette, Teresa, Disney, Darrel, Rosalita, and the young lady w the cute headscarf that complimented my crocs - you guys are amazing!My only regret is leaving such a good review bc now I risk KB not being available when I return!
    Yannick Van Der MeirenYannick Van Der Meiren
    16:36 06 Jan 23
    What a great holiday we had here!Very new boutique hotel where nothing is too much to ask.A super service with people who do everything they can to make your holiday the best!Rooms are very nice, modern and spacious!Location is perfect to stay away from the hustle and bustle, but still be close to the center.The district is in full bloom and is very pleasant to be in. A drink, a snack in a quiet setting where most tourists have not yet found their way. A gem!Breakfast at Maira's kitchen was great!Thank you to all staff! You make the experience and trip even more beautiful.GreetingsKaren and Yannick
    Komplayt KinderopvangKomplayt Kinderopvang
    16:24 31 Dec 22
    We had a wonderful stay at Kura Botanica! It just opened, everything is new, thought about and the service is nothing short of amazing!It is beautifully situated in the middle of Willemstad, close to the Pontjesbrug, in a neighborhood that exudes and exudes innovation. The people are fantastic, the breakfast at Maira delicious. We would like to come back soon!Amelia and Martin
    ma noma no
    21:48 02 Dec 22
    The staff was verry nice and gave good advice. and the hotel was verry nice and clean. Francien HenriettaRocio Disney Derrel and Jeanette, thanks for the all the service. See your all next year....... B13.....
    Lars de BrabanderLars de Brabander
    20:20 26 Oct 22
    This fully renewed boutique hotel is truly a beauty. Completely renovated, it lies in historic Willemstad on one minute walking distance of the Anna Bay and very close to some of the nicest beaches in Curacao
    Thays VidalThays Vidal
    23:08 11 Sep 22
    After the renovation, this luxury hotel is gonna be a huge success 🙌Friendly staff and nice location.
    Tineke WillemsTineke Willems
    00:18 04 Aug 24
    Wow! In a word, great... top service. You will receive a very warm welcome from Miguel. From the start you feel more than welcome. That's because of the entire team and the atmosphere there. If there is a problem, they are immediately available to help you. Super nice accommodation, perfect location. You can explore the entire island with a rental car and you can park it safely at the accommodation. In short, more than satisfied with this accommodation!
    Bjorn VanholmeBjorn Vanholme
    18:36 02 Aug 24
    End of july we stayed for 9 nights at Kura Botanica, and to be honest it was a fantastic experience! A really calm, nice hotel near to the city center. Pleasant and enjoyable people with Miguel and Derrel in particular. Room was spacious, clean, nice and very good airco (really important). Breakfast at Bario is only 2 minutes away from the hotel, but doesn't bother at all. When you return in the afternoon or evening at the hotel then there is always Derrel at the bar who is curious about your day (we really missed him when he had his day off).Hotel is a recommendation when you want a calm nice clean hotel near to the city center (and when you want to meet the 2 nicest people in Curaçao 😁)
    Marijke BonderMarijke Bonder
    19:10 27 Jul 24
    I had a wonderful holiday here with my adult children. Enjoy breakfast at Restaurant Bario nearby, drink delicious cocktails from friendly bartender Derrel at the pool bar or relax in the pool. An occasional chat with charming Miguel, who also gave us new beach towels for the pool. We had a lovely time. Thank you!
    Cheyenne BeversCheyenne Bevers
    02:35 27 Jul 24
    Very good hotel! Rooms are really 1000/10! The staff is super friendly and happy to chat with you, especially the sweet Miquel and Derrel. It is super clean and very well cared for! I would really recommend everyone to go here. Small is beautiful! A nice homely atmosphere and super nice that everyone has their own entrance to your “house”/room! The courtyard outside the hotel is also super cozy with small shops and restaurants! Hotel is in a perfect location! Only a few minutes' walk to Willemstad (you can get there within 5 minutes). Once again highly recommended!
    Dani De OudeDani De Oude
    18:18 19 Jul 24
    Great and cosy hotel. Miguel, Derrel and the rest of the staff are amazing. We had so much fun with them. We danced by the pool together. We made a lot of nice memories.The room was fine also.The towelservice is great. Breakfast at Bario hotel was very good. Love to come back here one day!!
    Anjistha BandyopadhyayAnjistha Bandyopadhyay
    19:06 12 Jul 24
    Amazing location, amazing hotel and very warm and hospitable staff. Rooms are very nice. A quiet oasis in the middle of the city. Parking is nearby the hotel at Kura Holanda parking lot. Breakfast is at another hotel 1 minute away.
    L v DL v D
    08:54 21 May 24
    Top location with friendly staff, right in the center and with nice rooms. Breakfast is a 3min walk and many restaurants at very short walking distance. Very good location for exploring Willemstad and free parking for a car.
    June LaVigneJune LaVigne
    21:45 28 Apr 24
    Smelled amazing when you walked in, couldn't help but smile. location is perfect. In the middle of it all but yet, private and quiet. I can't say enough about customer service! Miguel is absolutely wonderful, put a smile on my face every time we interacted. He was helpful and even walked us around to show us what was near the hotel.Best hospitality/customer service I have ever experienced and I have traveled all over the world.
    Steven DamianaSteven Damiana
    13:19 11 Apr 24
    I have not experienced the rooms yet, but as an event, experiencing their service, attention and hospitality, they are doing a great job. The garden forms an amazing ambience for network meetings and private events. Definately recommended. Compliments to some of the waiters that are quite proactive and go the extra mile. Kudos to the team!
    Karin LionKarin Lion
    23:36 06 Apr 24
    Luus de KockLuus de Kock
    13:19 06 Apr 24
    Kura Botanica is a standout, both with the beautiful, spacious and tasteful rooms with a fantastic bed and wonderful bathroom, and with the exceptionally friendly and helpful staff. The location in the heart of Otrabanda is also perfect. Kura Botanica is located in a beautiful garden, truly an oasis of peace.Highly recommended!,
    Courtney KingCourtney King
    18:41 05 Apr 24
    Visited January/February 2024 and cannot wait to go back, great location (Otrobanda), not too far from airport, absolutely amazing staff I thoroughly enjoyed Miguel and Darrell and the sweet kitties miss that place so much and it smelt like actual heaven!!! Within walking distance to restaurants and shops, you can also easily access Punda by walking to the floating bridge, great food and music everywhere!! Kura Hulanda museum is right next door must see!!
    Raylene Scott LeGrandeRaylene Scott LeGrande
    21:36 17 Mar 24
    What a wonderful surprise. This hotel has the friendliest staff (everyone) and a great location! In the midst of an art district family homes. This will be my forever choice when visiting Curucao!!
    Ingrid LanduytIngrid Landuyt
    18:20 08 Jan 24
    Dushi place to be!! ❤️❤️❤️
    lize huppeslize huppes
    01:00 04 Jan 24
    Had a very nice stay. Everything is clean and the place of the hotel is safe. Staff is very friendly & hospitable. Highly recommended!!
    Ximena Peña ortizXimena Peña ortiz
    10:39 22 Dec 23
    Very good hotel.. nice romanticthe staff is great. VeryAlways friendly and attentive. Good location. The cleaning people are very nice and everything is very clean.I would definitely return again.. thank you kura botanica and curaçao for a very good vacation.. in my heart ❤️
    Andrego StarmansAndrego Starmans
    15:33 04 Dec 23
    Jeroen SmeuldersJeroen Smeulders
    21:57 02 Dec 23
    Beautiful, nice and service-oriented boutique hotel in the heart of Willemstad.To be clear: If you book via Corendon: certainly not a 5* hotel (a good 4 is better). Missing some critical things. But they make up for it with great service!A quick summary of plus and minus pointsPlus:-Location. The heart of Willemstad. In the middle of restored Otrabanda. 15 minutes walk from Nieuwstraat. Nevertheless, very quiet.-Service: employees are super friendly and helpful.-Rooms. Rooms are clean and beds great. Nice shower. Are cleaned every day. And I mean really cleaned.-Nice poolside bar where there is a lot of chatting in the evening.-Adult only. Really nice.Minus:-No beach access. This is not something that you can blame the hotel for, but it is stated differently on the Corendon site. If you want to go to a beach, you will have to arrange that yourself. Otherwise they would have gotten 5 stars for location.-Swimming pool is quite small for 46 rooms. There are approximately 13 beds, so on busy check-out days: do the math.-Breakfast. They have outsourced breakfast to a restaurant nearby (Bario). Not a buffet but a la carte. During our stay we suffered from long waiting times. Kura management then took steps and things improved.-No gym.Extras:-If you stay here, it is wise to arrange a car for at least a few days.-Be informed by the hotel management about where to eat/be etc etc.
    Edward ErasmusEdward Erasmus
    14:10 06 Nov 23
    I had a wonderful stay at Kura Botanica in Curacao. This boutique hotel exceeded my expectations in every way. The rooms were not only nice but also impeccably clean, which is always a priority for me when traveling. The location is fantastic, being so close to Brionplein and Punda, making it convenient to explore the vibrant surroundings.The ambiance at Kura Botanica is truly special. It radiates charm and offers a tranquil atmosphere that made my stay even more enjoyable. The staff was welcoming and attentive, adding to the overall positive experience.I would highly recommend Kura Botanica to anyone looking for a cozy and well-maintained boutique hotel in Curacao. It's a gem that ensures a delightful stay in this beautiful destination.
    Whitney RedfieldWhitney Redfield
    16:59 22 Oct 23
    Amazing boutique adult only hotel. One suggestion ... full length mirrors. Excellent service. Kind staff. Free cappuccinos if you ask nicely. Very close to all of Willemstad. Many amazing restaurants near by. The retail shops had such great selections of clothing and souvenirs. Highly recommend!!
    Dennis YuDennis Yu
    04:37 06 Oct 23
    Great place for our networking event, Kolektivo Conference. Minister of Economic Development for Curacao showed up, too.Wish that the jacuzzi was warm.
    Bas SmitBas Smit
    17:10 26 Sep 23
    It is a beautiful hotel with a perfect manager..
    Jonathan MarquesJonathan Marques
    23:23 17 Sep 23
    Hotel with a beautiful garden, in the middle of a historic village. The service from the staff has always been friendly and multilingual. The room we stayed in was new and the bed was excellent!However, some problems were observed. They didn't replace the amenities for our last night, nor did they even collect a towel that was on the floor.The shower is also not separated from the rest of the bathroom, there is no curtain or shower stall which makes the bathroom wet. There was also a lack of support for soap and shampoo, which are on the floor.The parking lot is far away and you need to either walk with your bags or take your car close to the entrance and then return to the parking lot.But the worst thing for me was the breakfast. it is served in another hotel and there is no variety, it doesn't change between days, it is very simple and contained. You can just have a coffee and a juice and not repeat it. On the first day we were treated very poorly, even harshly, which made us not want to go back the next day.
    Andre AmmerlaanAndre Ammerlaan
    18:31 03 Sep 23
    It was wonderful, super beautiful location.The beds sleep wonderfully, we have completely relaxed.It is a piece of oasis in the middle of the city.So many beautiful things to see and do within walking distance.The staff was super friendly😀
    Marcelo FalkMarcelo Falk
    23:25 18 Aug 23
    Peter StephensonPeter Stephenson
    21:44 14 Aug 23
    Loving the hotel. Great location.
    Bart de JongBart de Jong
    22:03 21 Jul 23
    Great place to stay. Renovated only recently and rooms are excellent. Staff is very helpful and polite. Pool is a bit small but perfect to relax at the end of day. Or whenever you start your day later.Breakfast is in collaboration with a place 1min away and is taken good care off. Choices and taste are overall just good.They did tell Kura B is planning to build their own kitchen in the near future. But the 1min (literally) walk shouldn't trouble you.
    Travis AnthonyTravis Anthony
    17:43 02 Jul 23
    We are locals and wanted a relaxing escape from our usual routine. This place was extremely relaxing, with a beautiful pool surrounded by large trees to provide a great mix of shade and sun. The hotel is very well located with many great restaurants within a few minutes walk. The rooms are very well designed for an authentic Curacao experience. We would highly recommend a stay to both couples as to individuals visiting Curacao.
    naiomi sapphirenaiomi sapphire
    08:17 16 Jun 23
    I think this is best hotel in Curaçao!It is sweet and charming, the rooms are very clean and well kept. It is comprised of several buildings within the property. Vivid colours both inside and outside of the rooms. Lots of lush foliage and very serene, literally perfect for retreating from busyness and embracing relaxation.It’s tucked in Kura Hulanda village so there’s plenty to do and eat without walking more than 10 minutes but I recommend exploring nearby neighbourhoods like Otrabanda (where the hotel is), Punda and Pietermaai which are all walking distanceWhat’s most memorable is the keen hospitality of the KB team. I felt welcomed throughout the duration of my stay, not just upon arrival. They happily answered every question I had and was consistently kind and helpful.Janette, Teresa, Disney, Darrel, Rosalita, and the young lady w the cute headscarf that complimented my crocs - you guys are amazing!My only regret is leaving such a good review bc now I risk KB not being available when I return!
    Yannick Van Der MeirenYannick Van Der Meiren
    16:36 06 Jan 23
    What a great holiday we had here!Very new boutique hotel where nothing is too much to ask.A super service with people who do everything they can to make your holiday the best!Rooms are very nice, modern and spacious!Location is perfect to stay away from the hustle and bustle, but still be close to the center.The district is in full bloom and is very pleasant to be in. A drink, a snack in a quiet setting where most tourists have not yet found their way. A gem!Breakfast at Maira's kitchen was great!Thank you to all staff! You make the experience and trip even more beautiful.GreetingsKaren and Yannick
    Komplayt KinderopvangKomplayt Kinderopvang
    16:24 31 Dec 22
    We had a wonderful stay at Kura Botanica! It just opened, everything is new, thought about and the service is nothing short of amazing!It is beautifully situated in the middle of Willemstad, close to the Pontjesbrug, in a neighborhood that exudes and exudes innovation. The people are fantastic, the breakfast at Maira delicious. We would like to come back soon!Amelia and Martin
    ma noma no
    21:48 02 Dec 22
    The staff was verry nice and gave good advice. and the hotel was verry nice and clean. Francien HenriettaRocio Disney Derrel and Jeanette, thanks for the all the service. See your all next year....... B13.....
    Lars de BrabanderLars de Brabander
    20:20 26 Oct 22
    This fully renewed boutique hotel is truly a beauty. Completely renovated, it lies in historic Willemstad on one minute walking distance of the Anna Bay and very close to some of the nicest beaches in Curacao
    Thays VidalThays Vidal
    23:08 11 Sep 22
    After the renovation, this luxury hotel is gonna be a huge success 🙌Friendly staff and nice location.

    Piscadera Fischerei

    Frische Meeresfrüchte in einer ungezwungenen Atmosphäre am Wasser. Bei The Fisheries können Sie zwischen ganzem Red Snapper, Garnelen oder dem Fisch des Tages wählen. Und obwohl es nicht der Ort für ein ausgefallenes Essen ist, werden die Gäste wie eine Familie behandelt.

    Die Speisekarte wechselt täglich, je nach den Fängen der Fischer, und das Restaurant ist stolz darauf, alles Gefangene innerhalb weniger Minuten zubereiten zu können.

    Man muss sich an der Theke anstellen, bevor man an den Picknicktischen draußen Platz nehmen kann. Aber keine Angst, dass Sie zu lange warten müssen: Die Küche schließt pünktlich um 20 Uhr, so dass die Gäste genügend Zeit haben, ihr Essen zu beenden.
    Und vergessen Sie nicht, nach dem kostenlosen Brotkorb mit knusprigen Brötchen, hausgemachter Butter und Marmelade zu fragen.

    Neben der Zusicherung von schönem Wetter, tollen Stränden, fantastischer Kultur und fröhlichen Stunden wird Curaçao „the foodie experience“ sicher nicht enttäuschen.

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